Foundations mostly in place, so now a decision

In implementing the terraces in the grand design, I’ve been almost entirely personally handling the heavy-duty landscaping, like an idiot. So far, anyway.

First there were the trenches, one and two:



Then there were concrete footings, which I got people in to help with:



Now, the breezeblock foundations are finished for the longer trench, and laid out without cement for the shorter:



And it’s probably long past time when I should’ve taken stock of how much work is remaining. Because…

… this past week…

I’ve ended up unable to move with a bad back.

Nothing to do with the walls, but it’s left me even further behind schedule, and made me wonder what it would be worth to have the rest of the work completed by someone else.

The problem is, really, that the next bits could be quite fiddly. I’ve got ideas for the steps and I’m always worried if they don’t get communicated, then it’s going to be costly to redo. Following that bit, though, is the even more backbreaking work of ferrying topsoil up to backfill behind the walls. But at least that’s easy to do, and less hard on the back (no crouching, no lifting while turning, no tensing.)

So I just don’t know. I think maybe I find letting go hard! Especially given that the footing laying—the only bit I’ve outsourced so far—was OK, but went slightly awry when the van was too big to get up the drive. Things like that, you can throw more work hours at, but what else might go wrong?

Yep. I do find letting go hard.


  1. Julieanne · July 18, 2017

    Letting go is really hard, I know it too. But if you want to garden, then out-sourcing the hard labour is necessary, otherwise you’ll do your back in for good. So let go, accept that you will have to project manage the workers carefully to get what you want, with knowing at least you won’t ruin your back.


    • J-P · August 6, 2017

      Well, it took nearly three weeks to even get them to come round, so I guess we’ll see. I don’t mind trading labour for money: it just hacks me off that I’ve consistently had to trade it for time as well!


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